mySKY is a fun, interactive, multi-media, hand-held guide to the universe that locates and identifies celestial objects in the night sky. Featuring a full-colour LCD screen and the added ability to control a Meade computerised telescope, mySKY is clearly unlike anything else on the market. October 1st: Now shipping from Khan Scope Centre.....To order toll free call 1 800 580 7160, limited availabilty.($425)
NexStar Special Edition Rebates
NexStar 4 SE ($649, with a $100 US Rebate!)
The NexStar 4 is a mid-size Maksutov telescope that is suitable for high-powered views of planets and double-stars. With its built-in tripod wedge and cable release, it is also suitable for photography with Digital SLR cameras.
NexStar 5 SE ($849, with a $100 US Rebate!)
The NexStar 5 Schmidt-Cassegrain has the same features as the 4-inch Maksutov, but with 1.56x the mirror area. NASA has used Celestron 5-inch SCTs on some of their space missions.
NexStar 6 SE ($1049, with a $150 US Rebate!)
The newest member of the family, the NexStar 6 is a more portable version of larger NexStar telescopes, with 1.43x the mirror area of the 5-inch telescope.
NexStar 8 SE ($1499, with a $200 US Rebate and a FREE 40mm E-Lux Plossl Eyepiece!)
If you scroll down further you will find heavier and heavier Celestron scopes. The best compromise for great aperture and manageable size is right here!
Antares Dobsonian Special: Now In Stock!
8-Inch f/6 Antares Dobsonian-ON sale Now for Only! ($399) 
12-Inch f/4.8 Antares Dobsonian-FREE SHIPPING! (On Sale for $949!) 
Meade LightBridge Dobsonian Telescopes-As Reviewed in Sky News Magazine!
It is not just a big telescope. It is a big telescope that goes anywhere. New LightBridge Truss-Dobs from Meade take down and set up quickly. So you can take one of these massive windows on the universe out to your favourite dark sky location with ease. LightBridge Dobs give you high quality Meade optics, premium components and ultra portability - all for about the same price as an ordinary tube Dob. So get a LightBridge Truss-Dob. And prepare to cross the universe.
8-Inch Deluxe LightBridge Dobsonian Telescope-Ending December 31st, Get a $100 REBATE from Meade! (Only $599)I
10-Inch Deluxe LightBridge Dobsonian Telescope ($799)Ending December 31st, Get a $120 REBATE from Meade!
12-Inch Deluxe LightBridge Dobsonian Telescope ($999)Ending December 31st, Get a $150 REBATE from Meade!